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28 Interesting Facts About the Number 28


If twenty-eight is your lucky number or birthday, or you want to know how awesome this number actually is, check out the top 28 facts about this special number.

There are 28 days in February, unless it’s a leap year. February also has the least amount of days than any other month in the year.

A 28 sided polygon is called an icosikaioctagon.

28 is the square root of 784.In Roman Numerals, the number 28 is XXVIII.

The Binary number for 28 is 00011100.

One twenty-eighth (1/28) as a decimal is 0.035714285.

In a standard box of Dominoes, there are 28 tiles in the game.

28 is a card game which originates from India which usually has 3-8 players involved.

Twenty-Eight is the atomic number of Nickel.

It is also the atomic mass of Silicon.

The Arab alphabet has 28 letters.

28 miles is equal to 45.061632 kilometers.

The average human menstrual cycle in women is 28 days.

The melting point of butter starts at 28°C.

The 28th President of the United States was Woodrow Wilson from 1856 to 1924.

28 Days Later is a 2002 British horror film directed by Danny Boyle. Because of its success, in 2007 a sequel called 28 Weeks Later was made. Since then, there has been a graphic novel called 28 Days Later: The Aftermath and a comic book series in 2009. Danny Boyle has also revealed that there is a possible chance of another sequel – 28 Months Later, however this is not definite yet.

28th January is known as Data Privacy Day.

28th February is known as National Tooth Fairy Day.

28th March is ‘Weed Appreciation Day’.

Jorge Garcia, famous for his role in the television show Lost was born on 28th April 1973.

On 28th May 2002, the Mars Odyssey found signs of ice deposits on the planet Mars.

Pope Paul I died on 28th June 767 at the age of 67.

Cher Lloyd was born on 28th July 1993.28th August is ‘Race Your Mouse Around the Icons’ Day!

In the U.S, 28th September is Ask a Stupid Question Day.



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