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Fun Facts About Electronic Cigarettes


Electronic cigarettes must be introduced to every smoker in the world.

The electrical cigarette is bringing about a revolution in the smoker’s world.

The original Electronic Cigarette provides the user with a good feeling of smoking an original cigarette.

The main advantage is that these cigarettes do not cause the disease and ill effect, which may accompany the traditional ones.

These cigarettes tend to decrease the effect of the cigarettes by half.

Even though the Electric Cigarette may look, feel and even produce the taste of a traditional one its functions are a little different from that of the traditional ones.

One must know that the usage of the electronic cigarettes do not burn any tobacco, but actually, they produce certain vapors of liquid mixed with nicotine.

Upon inhalation from the electronic cigarette by the user, activates a “censor,” which in turn releases a water vapor containing active nicotine, propylene glycol, and along with an odor that replicates the relish of tobacco.

Hence in simple form one can say that the electronic cigarette makes its user to get the nicotine fix while preventing all types of cancer causing mediators found in traditional cigarettes like the tar, glue, hydrocarbons other addiction causing items etc.

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