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[May 29] Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day


Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day is celebrated on the 29th of May each year, in Europe and the U.S.

The day is all about prosperity, good fortune, and having bit of fun along the way.

Put A Pillow on Your Fridge Day Origins.

This bizarre holiday spans back to the early 1900’s, where families would place a piece of cloth or linen within their larders.

The piece of cloth would have typically been torn from something kept in their bedroom, such as a blanket or night gown, before being put in their larder.

The families thought good fortune and prosperity would come from this.

They believed placing a piece of cloth from their bedroom into the place where their food was kept, bought about the possibility of plentiful food and rich fertility to their household.

What is a larder?

“Larder” is an old-fashioned word, appearing in English in the early 14th Century, and originally meaning, “a room or closet in which meat and other provisions are stored.”

Larders are usually a cold room, or large cupboard which is used for storing food.

They were a common thing back in the day, but mainly amongst middle classes.

The word “larder” comes from the Latin “lardum”, which means pork, fat or bacon.

Today, a closet full of meat may strike us as questionable, but it was created back when people used lard (along with rendered animal fat) to grease pans and cook food.

The larder is where they kept their bacon… and their lard.

In modern times, this is more commonly known as the pantry.

This holiday changed with the times.

The modern act of putting a pillow on your fridge itself is a throwback to the bedroom-orientated cloth placed in the larder from days of old.

As time moved on and technology advanced, larders became far less common with more people opting for an electrical refrigerator.

The widespread introduction of General Electric’s ‘Monitor-Top’ fridge in 1927 started to signal the death of larders.

As household refrigerators phased out old-fashioned larders the tradition itself was also phased out.

However, the tradition did the opposite, instead of phasing out with the larders, the day evolved into something much more spectacular, this is what bought us Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day!

Over recent years, it’s also been picked up by many other areas of the world & is now more of a world-wide celebration.

How to celebrate #PutAPillowOnYourFridgeDay?

Thanks to social media, this special holiday has gained popularity over the past few years, and Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day has fast become one of everybody’s favorite special days of the year.

To celebrate is easy, and fun! Just put a pillow on your fridge.

The fun part comes when people ask you why there’s a pillow on the fridge!

There’s a Facebook page for you to share your photos, and if you want that luck & wealth to really happen, there’s even a pillow case you can buy!

Imagine that, a “pillow on your fridge day” pillow – on your fridge. You can’t make this stuff up!

If you’ve heard of this day before then why not join in the fun – and just remember if there’s no room on top of your fridge the pillow can always go inside!



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